What Size Test Line for Bass Fishing?
Last updated: 04/13/21
Bass fishing entails lots of activities to obtain the best results. This covers learning the psychology of the fish, choosing bass fishing gear, and getting the right size test line.
By far the size test line is very critical, to get hold of correct fish pounds. That is why you need to know what size test line for bass fishing?
The art of bass fishing starts by first learning to choose the correct size test. Here you check the fishing line strength. This is useful to determine the weight of fish it can accommodate.
The pounds of fish you can spool depends on the amount of stress the line & hook can withstand over time. This is why the choice of the fishing line is important.
The solution will be to learn the traits to look for in a line and examples of such fishing lines. For that purpose this article got you covered.
Types of Fishing Lines
If we decide to count the number of fishing lines that are currently available in the market, the list would belong. But that’s not a deal because we only need a few of the best.
You shouldn’t try to error the line you want, because we did the homework for you, and come up with a list of the best types of fishing lines, type of lures, and casting reels to use.
Here are the top fishing lines to compliment your fishing activities.
In a simple term, monofilament means a single thread fishing line. This line features a nylon design. When it is spooling a large fish it gets to a point of stretching to avoid too much stress on the line that can cause tier.
This makes it to be convenient to have a strong size test line. With this, you can practice large bass fishing and not get stuck in the weeds with your spinning reel.

The line is useful for many purposes and has been a priority for many anglers both in the lakes and seas. The line has a smooth texture that simplifies the process of making knots.
It has good elasticity that avoids breakage. The common monofilament test line available is the 8-pound monofilament fishing line weight.
Monofilament is convenient for casting at a distance while using light types of lures, topwater baits, crankbaits and hooks.
When To Use Monofilament
Monofilament is a perfect choice for beginners in need of a cheaper fishing line that compliments may bass fishing lures. Plus it’s an advantage when you want to make smooth casts at a distance. It is a convenient better for making an extra knot.
To wrap up everything Monofilament leader line is a good fishing line to start with. It has numerous advantages though few shortcomings.
This is a classic improved fishing line with a moderate line strength. It is the improvement of monofilament, but feature more than one type of nylon. This allows manufacturers to redesign a better fishing line that has a more size test.
With lower stretches, it absorbs more shock giving anglers more efficiency to cast and spool bass fish from the water.
It also does not break easily to give you better fishing techniques even during storms. It has more abrasion resistance.
When to use Copolymer
When using the copolymer fishing line it does not stretch easily, it is thus, a good choice when you want more sensitivity. Plus if you want to fish in the deep-water, copolymer works well.
If you are angling in the deep seas the copolymer can be a good starting point.
Fluorocarbon lines are made with denser materials that is why you will find it gets through heavy cover very fast after casting. When fishing from a boat it stays away from the boat surface because it sinks easily.
Unlike monofilament the line is thinner, to increase fish detection.
The line is hard to be seen by fish. This makes it a good option to match the hatch. Many bass anglers will term it a “See-through” Fishing line. It is perfect for making ambushes.
A majority of fishermen use it for its special ability to work in many fish habitats.
Fluorocarbon Pound test lines are a majorly 12-pound fluorocarbon and 20-pound fluorocarbon line.
Where To Use Fluorocarbon
If you want to get your lure to the bottom waters for those deep bass hunters. The fluorocarbon leader should be your friend.
When you want to ambush large schools this see-through line the best for use.
Braided Line
The braided line is one of the best lines available in the market. With zero stretching, the line produces significant sensitivity. To boost the sensitivity the line is as thin as possible.
For purposes of accuracy, the line does not twist easily. The line is naturally good for top-water baits fishing. It is made with super-strong fibers.
Bass fishing is done in different ways for different waters and seasons thus, need for a multi-functional line. Braided lines are good for coping up with this.
This is for the different weaves that are available for every braid line. With the line, you also get smooth casts that penetrate to lure larger schools.
The common pound test lines available for monofilament are 60-pound braided lines, 30-pound braided lines. It can be a great choice for competitive fishing, shallow cover and tournament fishing.
Most anglers can attest that is much easier when you fish with braid and a strong hook.
Where to Use Braided Line
The line is good for use in any fishing scenario where the anglers want more sensitivity. For example, when fishing during the summer you can be sure to get great fish detection.
Because the line floats on the water it is good for fishing in a water bank or a and shallow lake. When working with shallow water baits be sure to use them.
The heavy braid is a masterpiece for harsh conditions.

What Pound Test Line Should I Use?
I have heard many tales from anglers on various occasions. The most common one is the issue of the lines breaking when spooling a large fish from the water.
This made me wonder why it is so. Yet I’m yet to encounter such a scenario. I think it’s not luck for me but a choice I make before using any line.
I check the pounds the line can accommodate. This would sound funny at some point when you think maybe the angler wasn’t anticipating a big catch.
But actually, it isn’t?
In most of these cases, the angler wasn’t aware of the maximum weight the line can accommodate, This brings up a good question as a fisher what pound test line should I use?
There is no specific pound test line to use. What matters is what you are fishing for and in which setup.
5 Tips For Proper Fishing Line Pound Test
Here are tips to help you.
1. Ensure you use a line that can accommodate the largest of the fish in the area you area. If it’s 30 pounds ensure your line can accommodate at least 35 pounds.
2. The line to use in the deep waters will need to accommodate more weight than the shallow water line. This is because the large bass is found in the deep waters.
3. If you notice the line is stressing a lot, you will need to upgrade to a stronger line.
4. While fishing in the morning hours or at night you should be aware this is the time the large fish are easy to hunt. Thus, your line should be prepared for a big catch.
5. Research the common types of bass in a specific area and match their normal pounds with the test line.
When you know the pounds you want the rest will not be an issue. You can use charts that contain the strengths of the lines and with the amount of weight.
Use the fish pounds expected to visit the stores and make the right choices.
Final Thoughts
Size Test Line for Bass Fishing is precise that is done in many parts of the world. This is especially before going into any fishing journey.
As we have seen this is to ensure proper line strength is used to handle the right fish pound. A 20-pound line should be equal to a load of 20 pounds or less nothing more.
With that, your hunt for bass will be an awesome adventure.
Related Questions
What color fishing line is best for bass?
The best color for the line is the clear one. This is because it is not easily spotted by the fish, therefore it lures the fish faster. Though you can opt for other colors that match the hatch.
Like green color in vegetative waters.
Can a fishing line be too heavy?
Yes, a fishing line can be too heavy, that it is overloaded beyond its fishing test line. In such a case you should opt for a stronger fishing line to avoid surpassing the breaking strength.