Distance Fly Casting Expert Tips To Learn

Did you know that distance fly casting increases your accuracy of hitting a target(fish)? Casting at a distance isn’t as stoney as you may think. 

It is easy because it only needs you to be determined in training. The more perfection (practice) the easier the distance comes. Over the decades and  years, I can agree that distance casting is vital.

Well, in this article I want us to get to detail and understand more about distance casting. Why is it actually an important skill you need to possess? Allow me to explain.

Why Should You Learn to Cast 100 feet

The question you are probably asking, is whether you should learn to cast 100 feet or not. I can tell you that it’s not complementary, but I assure you it is worth it. 

When you are acquitted to casting short distance, it is a good thing to advance to longer once, to ensure you don’t miss any prey. Furthermore, it comes with a lot of fun and accuracy.

Sometime back I was on this fly-fishing adventure, and I made a cast at about 50 feet. Then it happened that an object was passing from my boat towards the fly(bait). 

Sadly, it swam and went to settle about 100 feet from my position. If only I had cast longer, I would be lucky to have a catch. That’s when I was convinced to learn to cast longer.

Let me give you motives why you ought to learn to cast 100”. I’m sure you will be swayed.

It Has Advantages

Learning to cast 100 feet comes with benefits like:

  • Helping you capture & reach more fish
  • You enjoy fly fishing more
  • Gives you an advantage to win fly fishing competitions
  • Reduces missed casts as you have better reflexes
  • Useful technique in saltwater fly fishing

Top 7 Reasons To Learn to Cast 100 feet

If you are not convinced yet that you should learn how to cast further, then these 7 reasons might reel you in.

1.| Increases Accuracy

Casting at 100 feet increases your accuracy because the chances of hitting even shorter targets are multiplied. For instance, being used to big tasks, and then someone gives a smaller one, it always seems simple. 

The same case happens in hitting a target at 20, 40, or 60 feet.

2.| Saltwater Fishing Prep

Maybe you have adapted to freshwater fly fishing, where distance is not factored. However, these changes in saltwater bodies. Here you are required to make a long cast. 

Imagine the annoyance of missing a fish due to short casting. To avoid such scenarios you will need to learn to cast 100 feet.

3.| Boosts Your Confidence

You agree that there is nothing that boosts confidence like being marked for any scenario. With the experience in outdoor activities, confidence is key. 

The same is a tautology, when it comes to casting. You will double up confidence after learning to cast 100 feet because you will have efficiency for any cast.

4.| Increases Your Target Radius

I know you can understand this well. That when you cast 100 feet, it increases the area you are covering. This means that you can reach more fish and cover more ground. 

Furthermore, distance casting adds up the chances of pitching the target, because obstructions like your shadow are insignificant.

5.| Bragging Rights

We outdoor fishermen tend to be passionate about almost everything we do. It is always amusing and joyous when you make a long cast, and it hits the target to a perfect cast.  We all know that we like to one up our fishing buddies and this is one more zing to add.

6.| More Efficiency Even in Subpar Weather

Weather conditions like wind and rain tend to make it difficult for beginners while casting.

More advanced casters can still manage to adapt much better.

Thus, learning the art will make you much more prepared when the weather becomes a challenge.

7.| Better Casting Reflexes

When you learn to cast 100 feet, you become quick. A lot of handwork is needed to reach 100 feet. Due to this handiwork, you learn to be precise and quick. 

When I was a beginner I used to be slow but learning to cast longer made me swiffer and my reflexes more adaptable.

What Makes a Good Casting Motion?

Over the past years, I have learned some techniques have helped me have a good casting motion. If you implement them wisely, I assure you that you will get splendorous results. 

I have occasionally used these tricks and they have worked. Having a good casting motion has changed me for the better.

A good casting motion is made by the following fundamentals:

  • Proper Timing – Good casting motion is made by accurate timing. You will do this by ensuring you commence the stroke casting on time. Exactly when the line uncurls(straightens) thus, better results.
  • Proper Gripping – How you grip the fishing rod matters a lot. It may seem insignificant or unnecessary, but for a fact, 20% of the success of hitting the target depends on this.
  • Accurate Body Posture – This applies to the backward and forward movement, concurrently, with the casting stroke. Doing this widens the casting arc, which results in an increase in power in the final delivery.
  • Using a Longer Line – Good casting motion comes with working long lines. This is owing to a fact you will be flexible when casting. Unlike using a shorter line, which comes with discomfort and fatigueness.
  • Casting From a Horizontal Ground – Casting from a straight ground, boosts your ability to move the rod when the target changes position. This makes a good casting motion from any angle.

How to Improve Your Casting Distance?

If you can take some time implementing casting at a distance, you will eventually perfect your skills. I have seen many beginners rise to become experts, by just doing a simple exercise. 

When I was beginning I could hardly cast 30 feet, due to this my coach had to help me self-train with vital daily routines. Months later, I was able to cast up to 100 feet with ease.

What did I do to achieve this? Well, I will show you everything I did to improve. Furthermore, I will add some tips my coach showed me and those that I have learned from others.

1.| Understand The Proper Use of Every Tool

Start by being able to understand how the tools work. This will help you to utilize and use the tools in the right way. This will eventually improve your productivity.

2.| Learn to Grip The Fishing Rod

Essentially, this is the starting point for improvement.  You know well that basic things are the ones that matter most. When you can hold the rod well, you will be at a point to learn new things.

3.| Practice in Open Areas

The best way to improve casting is by doing practices in an open park. I find it better to practice in a park due to the ample space. I advise you to practice on the lawn and then implement the skills in a water body.

4.| Learn In Different Weather Conditions

Master the skills of casting in various weather conditions. Especially the windy conditions which are prone to occur any time, while you are fishing or a competition.

5.| Practice, Practice, Practice

If possible you can do practice daily, or in your leisure time. When you practice more the better you become. Remember nothing comes easily. Doing this will make you understand all tips. 

You can use YouTube videos to self-teach yourself. If you do that I guarantee you superb results thereafter.

6.| Learn to Haul and Stroke Cast

Hauling is something that feels strange to everyone while beginning. But with materials like YouTube and Blogs (Like this one), you will learn a lot, and eventually, succeed. Make sure you practice what you learn.

Stroke casting is equally important for you to learn. Try stopping the rod hastily. You can do this for about 5 minutes for different distances.          

7.| Engage with Experts

Birds of a similar feather always flock together. Hence, train and interact with experts, and learn their strategic way. Ask questions. If possible purpose to accompany them during their casting activities. 

From this ensure you what they do to be the best. When you do this you will learn more.

8.| Learn Both Saltwater and Freshwater Fly Casting

As you continue to learn, it is good that you try out casting in different bodies. This will help master techniques to use for short and distance fly-casting. 

If you do that you will know what is expected in any situation. You agree that casting in a river is not the same as a lake. 

Keep These In Mind For Better Success

  • Do not fear to cast longer distances, because this makes you more equipped
  • Ensure you choose the right rods & reels to use
  • Always remember that your safety is more important.
  • It does not take a day to improve, it’s rather continuous daily practice.
  • When necessary always seek help from experts.

Final Thoughts                     

That’s it about improving your distance when fly casting. Hopefully, you now have a reason to practice more. You are now informed on improving your distance fly casting skills. 

Use the above tips, and be assured you will never regret it. Remember to be an expert, you ought to be more disciplined in training.

I guarantee you that if you follow the concepts above you experience great improvement.

Related Questions

How far can you cast a fly line? – You can cast a distance of up to 28 to 30 meters which is about 90 to 100 feet. Nothing comes easy, the more you train the longer the cacast.

How do I get more distance fly casting? – There are many ways, but, the easiest and common one, is through proper practice. Practice, practice makes perfect. Also use the right tools.

What is the average casting distance? – The average distances depend on the type of fly fishing. In freshwater fly fishing, it is about 20-30 feet, whereas that of saltwater fly fishing can be up to 70 feet.

Do longer fly rods cast further? – Yes, longer fly rods always provide the aptitude to cast further.  It generally offers more length that offers you an extra distance.

We at College Bass provide tips and guides for both beginners and advanced freshwater anglers and casters out there. 

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