Compete on your schedule to finish the Big Bite Fishathlon(pronouced fish-ath-lon). If you think you have what it takes to catch a fish on ten different baits, sign up for Fishathlon. Simple to enter – just start catching fish with one of the 10 Big Bite Baits listed below. You can use any size in the shape, rigged in any way. When you catch a fish with one of these shapes, submit a photo showing the bait and fish to Big Bite Baits on social media or via email. We will record your progress, and once you submit fish catches with all 10 baits you will be sent the exclusive Big Bite Fishathlon hat. You can get started and track your progress at
10 Baits include any size or color of the following shapes:
Kamikaze Swimon, Fighting Frog, Suicide Shad, Kamikaze Craw, Pro Swimmer, Trick Stick, Cane Thumper, Battle Bug, Limit Maker and Coontail.
The goal: Catch 10 different fish on the 10 designated Big Bite baits. Any size/color/variation is allowed. Rig the baits any way you like, see for suggestions. Special discount available to purchase all 10 baits to get started. Already have the baits, then get started today. Take a photo of each fish with bait visible and submit entries to Complete all 10 catches, and with verification you will win an exclusive Fishathlon hat free of charge.
Follow the contest and see all the details at
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