Best Rod Length for Bass Fishing
Fishing rods come in different sizes, and finding the best one can be challenging for beginner bass anglers. As a beginner bass angler, it was overwhelming to find the best rod length with bass fishing’s right power and action.
A fishing rod is a piece of essential fishing equipment that determines your accuracy and chances of catching bass.
How To Choose The Right Fishing Rod Length
Choosing the right rod length is critical when it comes to bass fishing. As important as considering the fishing rod’s material and action, you should still consider the rod’s length.
The rod length affects the leverage, accuracy, and casting distance when bass fishing. Rod length has a significant impact on fishing, and in this article, we tell you why.
Distance | What’s The Casts?
When fishing in open waters, long rods can make casting much easier for long distances. You have higher chances of catching different types of fish with long fishing rods.
It will be easier to get your rod deep and far enough with a longer rod than short ones. When casting short distances, shorter rods are more suitable due to their accuracy.
Having both bass fishing rods in your boat can make casting much simpler.

Accuracy | Short Range Accuracy Is Best
When it comes to accuracy, shorter rods are suitable because of how effective they are. Short bass fishing rods are ideal if you do not need to cast long distances or fishing in small water bodies.
They are much lighter and easier to handle compared to longer fishing rods. When fishing in areas with a heavy cover like dirty water, a shorter rod is more likely to help you catch bass.
As a bass angler, you can easily carry out target fishing even under your boat.
Comfort | Maximum Success With Ease
Comfort is essential to consider when choosing the right rod length for bass fishing. You might have a favorite rod length, but it might not be the best length for you when you are out in the water.
For tall anglers, longer fishing rods are more comfortable to use & guide. Successful bass anglers use rods of up to 7 feet in length because they are easier to use than longer fishing rods that can pose a challenge for different height users.
Leverage | Less Fight For the Right Angle
Long rod lengths offer more hook set leverage, but this is still under debate because after hooking the bass, there is a more considerable distance when you are reeling in the fish.
Leverage also depends on the fish you are reeling in and the power of the rod.
Experienced anglers argue that shorter rods offer more control and leverage when fishing in close range. You will have better leverage when reeling in large bass with a short fishing rod than reeling in the bass that will offer the fish more leverage.
It Comes Down To Lure Choice
Having to choose from dozens of lures for bass fishing can be overwhelming to both beginner and experienced anglers. Although specific lures are best for bass fishing, you still have to consider their size, colour, and accuracy in catching bass.
Some of the main types of bass lures include topwater, crankbaits, plastic baits, jigs, and spinnerbaits. With each type of bait you find, you will need to get its corresponding fishing rod length for successful bass fishing.
You can select a baitcasting or spinning rod after taking into account the power, action, and size of each rod and how it will affect your fishing.
BuzzBaits and SpinnerBaits Lures
With their unique shape, spinnerbaits can quickly weave through the water with a large cover. Using lighter spinnerbaits works well when bass fishing in shallow water, while heavier lures are ideal when fishing in deep water.
You will be casting continuously with these baits, so you will need an easy to use and lightweight fishing rod.

The best length rod is 6 feet long to offer better casting accuracy; however, with an ideal 7-foot long rod, you will enjoy increased accuracy, hook set leverage, and casting power.
These bait types use a single hook, so a medium action rod will give you enough power when fighting to reel in the bass. A medium or heavy power fishing rod provides the right balance between the load and distance cast.
Plastic Worms
Rubber or plastic lures are popular because of how effective they are at catching bass. Their bodies and life-like movement make them visible in the water when it comes to bass fishing.
Using lure techniques like lifting and dropping the rod, especially when bass are not very active during specific seasons.
It is essential to get light and fast action fishing rods for casting in deep waters when using plastic worms. Because you will be holding up the rod for extended periods, you need to consider its sensitivity levels.
Highly sensitive rods are crucial so that you will feel even the slightest bites and movement of bass in the water. The best rods to use for plastic worms are graphite rods that are lightweight and sensitive with medium action.
You can use crankbaits to lure bass because of how versatile they are. When you want to cover a lot of water when fishing in areas like bushes, grass, rocky bottom, or shallow flats, this is the ideal lure to use.
Crankbaits are easily visible with rattles that will attract bass. Lighter action fishing rods are more flexible and better at keeping the fish on the hook.
Fishing rods with medium action and power gives the bass more time to take the lure deeper before feeling them in. Lures that are too heavy will prevent the rods from functioning correctly.
A light bass fishing rod is more flexible to cast the bait in different fishing environments effectively.
Thoughts on Using A Multi-purpose Bass Rod
Many beginner anglers might have a hard time choosing between baitcasting rods and spinning rods. While some may opt to go for multipurpose rods to escape this hustle, these types of rods may not be the best choice.
Multipurpose rods are all around and suitable for fishing small, medium, and freshwater fish. As versatile as they are, you still need the right rod for the specific type of fish you want to hook.
Depending on your preference and fishing techniques, you can decide whether to get a spinning rod or baitcasting rod. With baitcasting rods, you enjoy more control when fishing with added precision.
It might take you longer to learn how to use it, but it will be worth it once you start catching bass. On the other hand, spinning rods are simpler to use when pulling in the bass.
Experienced bass anglers will opt for baitcasting rods because of their control and the ability to use multiple fishing techniques.
Spinning rods are ideal for beginners and work well with small-sized lures. They are the best when handing lighter lures and lines.
4 Rod Selection Tips | How Do I Choose A Bass Rod?
Although deciding the fishing rod’s right length is essential, you still need to consider the power, action, and rod material before buying.
The best fishing rod will allow you to cast accurately in different conditions and quickly detect strikes to hook bass.
Here are our top 4 selection tips to help you choose the right bass rod.
1| Rod Material
Most fishing rods today are either made of graphite or fibreglass. Graphite rods are one of the most popular rod materials suitable for bass fishing. This is because of their lightweight nature and sensitivity.
The brittle feel of graphite rods makes them easily breakable compared to fibreglass rods. Despite being more expensive, it is the best choice in most fishing environments.
Fibreglass rods are also standard when using baits that need lighter or medium action. These rods are heavier but offer more flexibility, with some being almost unbreakable.
Some fishing rods consist of graphite and fibreglass materials to maximize these materials’ benefits in one rod.
For bass anglers who fish in different conditions, this will be an excellent choice.
2 | Power
Rod power refers to how much pressure it takes to bend the fishing rod while fishing. You will want to get a rod with more control when it comes to fishing. Light rods come in handy when fishing small species because they can easily bend.
This makes it easier to detect a bite or strike.
Rods with moderate power are ideal when using baits like crankbaits and spinnerbaits. Rods with heavy power are excellent with baits like jigs and topwater that require less of a bend in the rod.
Heavier rods require more pressure to bend. Choose carefully according to the lures you plan to use.
3 | Action
The Rod action refers to the rod’s point where it bends and the distance to the tip. It is a critical component of the fishing pole and also affects how you handle your rod.
Slower action rods will bed closer to the butt of the rod while fast action rods bend more relative to the tip. Fast action rods quickly snap back in place, which is decisive for pulling fish out of the water with heavy cover.
Medium action rods will bend in the top middle of the pole, which allows you decent casting when bass fishing. They also work well with multiple-hook setups giving the fish enough time to bite.
Bass anglers prefer fast action rods as they are suitable for handling big fish due to the stiff backbone. Light action rods are more sensitive, allowing you to quickly feel when the fish bite and provide a thrill reeling them in.
4 | Rod Handles
According to your personal preference, you can decide which type of handle you want on your fishing rod. You can decide to get a rod with a long or short handle.
Longer handles give you more room to hold the rod with both hands. It is also ideal for casting long distances.
Shorter handles offer more accuracy when target fishing and casting shorter distances. These handles are great for casting with one hand and roll casting more accurately.
There are rods available with a pistol or split grips for anglers targeting a precise cast to make them lighter.
Final Thoughts
It can be stressful finding the right rod length for bass fishing, but you will get the perfect one for you in no time with these tips. Rods are an important focus when it comes to bringing in the catch.
The best rod length for you is one that best fits your personal preferences to hook the bass you want.
Most anglers prefer rods up to 7 feet because they are excellent with different bass fishing techniques and lures.
Knowing your comfort zone and the right bait to use is what you need to be successful at bass fishing.
Related Questions
What length fishing rod should I use?
You should use a fishing rod that meets your needs, fishing technique, and the type of fish you are angling for. The ideal fishing rod length is between 6-12 feet for casting shorter and longer distances.
Having short and long fishing rods is helpful when fishing in small water bodies and open water, respectively. They both have their advantages in specific fishing environments.
Is a longer or shorter fishing rod better?
Short fishing rods are suitable for casting shorter distances, while longer rods are ideal for casting longer distances. When you are fishing in close combat and require accuracy, short rods will work best for you.
If you are fishing in large water bodies, long rods will be better for casting great distances in open waters.